We have conducted numerous public and in-house workshops, and facilitated planning exercises, for a wide range of public- and private-sector organizations. Some of the organizations that have benefited from our open-registration workshops and in-house facilitation in strategic planning, strategic human resources, strategic change management, leadership and innovation include:
- ABN-AMRO Singapore
- ACRA Singapore
- Adisseo Asia Pacific
- Anglo Chinese School
- AP Communications Pte. Ltd.
- Arab Bank Singapore
- Ascendas Land Singapore
- Ascendas Fund Management
- Association of Muslim Professionals
- Astana International Financial Centre Kazakhstan
- ASTRA Indonesia
- Bank Indonesia (Central Bank)
- Bank Mandiri Indonesia
- Barry Callebaut Chocolate Asia Pacific
- Bax Global Singapore
- Bestworld Lifestyle Singapore
- BPMI Gas Indonesia
- Cargill Asia Pacific Holdings
- Central Provident Fund Board Singapore
- Centre for Strategic & Policy Studies Brunei
- Centrepoint Properties Singapore
- Changi Airport Group
- Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
- Citibank Singapore
- Commerz Bank
- Cookson Electronics Singapore
- Courts Singapore
- DBS Bank
- Diethelm Singapore
- DMG Singapore
- DSTA Singapore
- Economic Development Board
- Eastman Chemical Singapore
- Emerson Automation Solutions
- F5 Networks Singapore
- HCA Hospicecare
- Health Promotion Board Singapore
- Health Sciences Authority Singapore
- Hiap Moh Corporation Singapore
- Hitachi ASIA Group of Companies
- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
- Hong Leong Finance Singapore
- Housing Development Board
- HYATT Kuantan Malaysia
- II-VI Asia
- Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
- Infocomm Development Authority
- ING Insurance Malaysia
- Institute of Technical Education Singapore
- INTEL Malaysia
- International Enterprise Singapore
- JC Decaux Singapore
- John Little Singapore
- Johnson & Johnson Visioncare Singapore
- Jurong SML Pte. Ltd.
- JTC Corporation Singapore
- Maritime Port Authority Singapore
- MacDonalds Singapore
- Malaysian Airlines
- Merck Sharpe & Dohme Singapore
- MCYS Singapore
- Ministry of Defence Singapore
- Ministry of Education Singapore
- Ministry of Finance Brunei
- Ministry of Health Indonesia
- Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore
- Ministry of Industry & Trade Indonesia
- Ministry of National Development
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Muhibbah Engineering Bhd Malaysia
- Murata Electronics Singapore
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- Nanyang Technological University
- National Community Leadership
- Institute Singapore
- National Healthcare Group Singapore
- National Institute of Education
- National University of Singapore
- National University Health System SG
- NCS Pte. Ltd.
- NETS Singapore
- Nokia Singapore
- NOL Group Singapore
- NTUC Club
- NTUC Income
- Oilfields Supply Centre Dubai
- Pratt & Whitney Singapore
- Peoples Association Singapore
- Petronas Carigali Malaysia
- Port of Tanjong Pelepas
- Prosafe Production Singapore
- Prudential Assurance Company
- PSA Corp Singapore
- PT Bank ANZ Indonesia
- Raffles Girls Secondary School
- Raffles Hospital
- RCL Feeder Singapore
- Republic Polytechnic
- Robert Bosch SEA
- Robi Axiata Ltd.
- Samsung SDI Malaysia
- Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC)
- Saudi Food & Drug Authority
- Singapore Civil Defence Force
- Singapore General Hospital
- Singapore Management University
- Singapore Polytechnic
- Singapore Port Authority
- Singapore Post Ltd.
- Singapore Press Holdings
- Singapore Prisons Services
- Singapore Sports Council
- Singapore Technologies Electronics
- Singapore Tourism Board
- Singex Venues Singapore
- Singhealth Singapore
- SingTel
- SLF Management Services
- SMRT Corporation Singapore
- Social Service Training Institute
- SONY Malaysia
- SONY Electronics Singapore and AP
- SONY Interactive Enertainment HK
- SPC Asia Pte. Ltd.
- Standard Chartered Bank Singapore
- Sumitomo Chemical Singapore
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital Singapore
- Telechoice International Singapore
- Temasek Holdings Singapore
- Temasek Polytechnic
- Tenaga Nasional Malaysia
- Tetra Pak SEA
- Theun-Hinboun Power Company Laos
- Thomson China
- TIME dotcom Bhd Malaysia
- Titan Polyethylene Malaysia
- Toshiba Philippines
- UOB Asset Management
- UOB Bank
- UOB Life Singapore
- USN Far East
- Watson’s Personal Care Stores
- Woh Hup Pte. Ltd.
- World Kitchen Singapore
- Yayasan Mendaki Singapore
- Zephyr Co. Pte Ltd Singapore
- Zurich Insurance Indonesia
- 3M Singapore